Power Supplies & Transformers
What are Power Supplies & Transformers?
Transformers are essential components in electrical systems, converting voltage levels to meet the requirements of different applications.
It is an electrical device that transfers electrical energy between two or more circuits through electromagnetic induction.
At Express Electronics, we can source any transformer to suit your needs. Call us on 01904 656 923 or Contact Us.

Types of Power Supplies & Transformers
Transformers come in various types, each designed for specific applications and requirements. Here are some of the types of transformers we
· Step-up transformers: These increase voltage from primary to secondary winding, commonly used in power transmission.
· Step-down transformers: These transformers decrease voltage from primary to secondary winding, and are often used in domestic and commercial circumstances.
· Isolation transformers: Provide electrical isolation without changing the voltage level, enhancing safety in sensitive equipment.
· Autotransformers: Provide variable voltage output with a single winding, so can be used in applications requiring voltage regulation.
· Toroidal transformers: Feature a doughnut-shaped core, providing compact and efficient power conversion with minimal electromagnetic interference.
When it comes to power supply transformers, we can source any type – whether you need them for manufacturing purposes or smaller builds.
How to buy power supplies & transformers
Purchasing transformers from Express Electronics is straightforward and hassle-free. The best way to buy transformers is to contact us directly on +44
1904 656 923 or email sales@express-elect.com with a detailed list of your requirements.
Our expert team will assist you in selecting the perfect transformers to meet your specific needs. Whether you’re looking for a standard model or a
custom solution, we are here to help.
Selling power supplies & transformers
At Express Electronics, we also buy transformers and other electronic components. If you have surplus transformers that you no longer need, we could be interested in purchasing them. Contact us on +44 1904 656 923 or email sales@express-elect.com with the details of the transformers you want to sell, and we’ll provide you with a competitive quote to buy them.
For any inquiries or further assistance, feel free to reach out to our dedicated team at Express Electronics. We are committed to providing you with high-quality transformers and excellent customer service including 1-year guarantees, worldwide delivery and the ability to source pretty much any electrical component you need.