Brands | ACTEL |
Date Code | |
Clean Part Number | A3PN250-2VQG100I |
SKU | A3PN250-2VQG100I |
Quantity | 580 |
Description | Microchip ProASIC3 Flash FPGAs offer a breakthrough in high-performance, density, and features beyond those of the ProASICPLUS® family. These FPGAs incorporate non-volatile flash technology that instantly brings the secure, low-power, and single-chip solution. The ProASIC3 flash FPGAs enable designers to create high-density systems using existing ASIC or FPGA design flows and tools. These devices offer 1kb of on-chip, reprogrammable, non-volatile FlashROM storage, and clock conditioning circuitry based on an integrated Phase-Locked Loop (PLL). The ProASIC3 devices support the ARM-Cortex-M1 soft processor IP core that offers benefits of programmability and time-to-market. These Flash FPGAs are ideally used in consumer, industrial, communications, medical, and automotive applications. |